Chatting di facebook tanpa perlu login

Posted by Lionel on December 30, 2009

Selain media sosial untuk berbagi photo dan update status,facebook memudahkan kita menghubungi teman melaluib aplikasi chatting ( ngobrol ). Namun biasanya sebelum menggunkan aplikasi ngobrol ini kita harus login dulu di situs facebook. Nah kalau misal sobat merasa ribet dengan cara seperti ini, ada cara lain yang bisa kita gunakan tanpa harus login ke facebook. Yaitu dengan cara menggunkan aplikasi chat client yang sudah banyak dikembangkan oleh pihak ketiga. Salah satunya adalah :
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Menampilkan blog follower di facebook

Posted by Lionel

Sebenarnya widget blog ini fungsinya hampir sama dengan widget follower milik google. Trus, dimana dong letak perbedaanya? Jika sobat mengikuti suatu blog dari widget follower google maka blog tersebut akan di tambahkan pada dashboard blogger sobat. Dan setiap posting terbaru akan di tampilkan berupa daftar di dashboard sobat.
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Penghasilan Tambahan dari Neobux

Posted by Lionel on December 28, 2009

Buat teman-teman yang ingin menambah penghasilan dari internet diluar pekerjaan utama, saya punya referensi website yang cukup bagus untuk di jadikan sebagai sumber penghasilan tambahan. Sebelum lanjut ke pembahasan berikutnya saya akan jelaskan sedikit cara kerja website tersebut. Website ini membayar kita hanya dengan mengklik iklan yang telah di
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Manfaatkan Blog Untuk Bisnis Online

Posted by Lionel on December 26, 2009

Saat ini siapapun bisa membuat blog hanya dengan 5-10 menit saja.Karena begitu mudahnya, bahakn ada yang bisa mempunyai 3~10 blog bahkan mungkin lebih.Ada yang memanfaatkannya untuk blog pribadi seperti menulis unek-unek atau pengalamn hidup dll. Dan ada pula yang memanfaatkannya untuk bisnis online. Nah bagi saya sendiri saya lebih senang dengan tulisan
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How to Earn Money Through Google Adsense

Posted by Lionel on December 24, 2009

Google’s AdSense is a fascinating revenue-sharing opportunity for small, medium and large web sites. Some webmasters are designing brand new sites specifically for serving AdSense text ads, however it’s against the AdSense rules to design a site purely for AdSense, so you’ll want to include a few Affiliate links or sell your own product, too.
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How to Set Up AdSense

Posted by Lionel on December 23, 2009

Have you ever wondered why so many websites have advertisements lining the side of each page? The answer is Google AdSense, the application Google uses to help publishers of websites make money. While Google is not the only company offering a program like AdSense, it currently controls about 75% of the market. By placing ads on websites, people can earn a percentage of the revenue that Google makes for sponsoring the ads. The companies that want to advertise pay Google, which then pays the hosting website. In order to take advantage of this, website owners must first set up AdSense.
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How to Become a Super Affiliate

Posted by Lionel on December 22, 2009

You want to earn good money from the affiliate programme you have joined.
Listed below are 6 stages in your journey to become a super affiliate. Please do not let the simplicity fool you, they can help you make more sales and save money.


  1. The first road on your journey is to find the best products to promote as an affiliate. This takes time and research, you do not want to 'dive in' to the first program you see.Ideally you want a product that when someone buys from you, you get paid over and over again. This is the best way to build a residual income. An example would be if you are a keen car enthusiast you may sign-up to a subscription to 'custom car'. The publishers of the magazine gets a monthly (residual) payment from you.
  2. ) Another road on your journey can be the use of profitable blogs. You may ask "why?" When you are promoting your product you need to use effective ways of getting new sales. Pay-Per-Click, traffic exchanges (make sure to have a spare mouse! ), media buying, press releases, classified ads are all good. However, the secret to getting a profitable blog is to get the blog owner to do an 'endorsed blog post' for you. This is priceless. So go and explore the different blogs out there.
  3. ) So, you have now come a long way on your journey to become a super affiliate. Another way to promote your affiliate site is by the use of 'ezines' (electronic magazines).These have been around since the conception of the internet and will no doubt remain so. Using ezines you can write an informative and interesting article around your product or service, and then have them published. The 'secret' is to write a different article per day and submit it to many ezines. There are literally 1000's of ezines published, all looking for content. Content that you are going to send them.
  4. ) The final destination of your journey is the generation of even more traffic and more sales.You have traveled past and used some already.You can re-invest some of your profits from your earlier sales into paid sources of traffic. These include pay-per-click, buying leads, buying double opt-in email addresses, and others.Because these are costing you money, you need to carefully monitor your results. Trying them one at a time enables you to easily track the response from that particular source.
  5. The 4 stages above can help you to become a super affiliate. Of course, you need to research each area in greater depth to fully integrate all the strategies discussed.
  6. Learn your business.

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